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Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Pellets: All Your Questions Answered

Hormone pellets are very small implants placed under the skin to replace lost hormones and restore hormonal balance. The pellets release consistent levels of hormones over several months.

This form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an effective option for treating issues related to hormonal imbalances. 

If you’re considering hormone therapy, our team here at the Center for Women’s Health, led by OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, understands that you may have questions, such as how hormone pellet therapy works. We’ve put together a guide answering some common questions. 

What are bioidentical hormone therapy pellets?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) pellets are tiny, rice-sized cylinders that contain hormones identical in structure to those your body makes. These pellets are made from natural plant sources and are designed to release hormones steadily over time. 

This method ensures a consistent level of hormones in your bloodstream, avoiding the peaks and valleys often associated with other delivery methods like creams, patches, or oral medications.

How are the pellets administered?

The procedure for administering bioidentical hormone therapy pellets is straightforward and minimally invasive. We make a small incision, typically in your hip or buttocks, and insert the pellets just beneath the skin. 

The process is quick, usually taking less than 15 minutes, and you receive local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. Once inserted, the pellets gradually dissolve and release hormones over several months, providing continuous relief from hormonal imbalance symptoms.

What conditions can bioidentical HRT pellets treat?

Bioidentical hormone therapy pellets are effective in treating a variety of symptoms related to hormonal imbalances. These include menopause and perimenopause symptoms, such as:

Hormone replacement pellet therapy is customizable. We check your hormone levels to determine an appropriate starting dose, and then perform follow-up testing, along with evaluating symptom improvement. We can tweak the dose to ensure that your symptoms are well-controlled.

What are the benefits of using hormone pellets?

Hormone therapy pellets provide consistent hormone delivery and release what the body needs. It works with your body to keep levels stable. 

Unlike other methods that require daily or weekly administration, pellets release hormones remain in place, releasing hormones for 3-4 months. This stability can lead to more effective symptom relief and fewer side effects.

Convenience is another major benefit. Once the pellets are in place, there’s no daily maintenance necessary, freeing you from the hassle of remembering to take a pill or apply a cream. 

Are there any side effects?

Whenever you introduce or alter hormone levels, there’s a potential for side effects, since hormones control a wide array of functions. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or bruising at the insertion site, which tends to resolve quickly. 

Hormonal side effects can include weight changes, mood swings, or acne, but these are generally manageable and resolve as your body adjusts. We take steps to monitor your levels regularly to ensure the correct dosage and minimize side effects.

Is bioidentical HRT safe for everyone?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is considered safe for most individuals, but it’s not suitable for everyone. Women with a history of certain cancers, blood clots, or liver disease should discuss alternative treatments with our team. 

How soon will I see results?

Many of our patients begin to notice improvements within a few weeks of receiving their bioidentical hormone therapy pellets. But it can take up to six months to experience the full benefits. 

When you attend regular follow-up appointments, we have an opportunity to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

If you’re struggling with symptoms of hormone imbalance and looking for a convenient and reliable treatment option, we can help. Contact us today at our Wichita, Kansas, office to learn more about how bioidentical hormone therapy pellets can help you reclaim your life.

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